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PKB-number: PKB95
Definition: Pseudoknot PK1 of the upstream pseudoknot domain (UPD) of the 3'-UTR of pepper mild mottle virus, Spanish isolate
Organism: pepper mild mottle virus
Abbreviation: PMMV-S_UPD-PK1
RNA type: Viral 3 UTR
Keywords: tobamovirus; translational regulation
EMBL number: M81413
Submitted by: A.P.Gultyaev (
Supported by: Sequence comparison
References: [1] Avila-Rincon M.J. et al. (1989). J. Gen. Virol. 70:3025-3031.
[2] Leathers V. et al. (1993). Mol. Cell. Biol. 13:5331-5347.
Comment: The nucleotide G-6181 seems to be misprinted in the entry (M81413) of the EMBL database as A, while this is G in the original article [1], which is consistent with conserved pairing.
Stem sizes:
Loop sizes:
3 4
1 0 6
Position Paired:
6177-6179; 6185-6187
6181-6184; 6194-6197
Bracket view of structure:
             6180      6190
     #      6789|123456789|12345678
     % 6176 :(((:[[[[)))::::::]]]]:

© final design and maintenance: F.H.D.(Eke) van Batenburg; 1999-6-16 PKB00095.html